Saturday 21 July 2012

Hot Ginger of the Week: Damien Lewis

This weeks Hot Ginger is bringing sexy redhead brooding to the masses. First attracting attention in NBC's short-lived TV show 'Life', this year Damien is the sexy redhead on everyone's lips thanks to his powerhouse performance as Sergeant Brody in Showtime's 'Homeland'.

Viewers were glued to their screens watching the tense cat and mouse playoff between Lewis' Brody and Claire Dane's CIA agent Carrie Mathison. Was he a turned POW? Or was she a crazy bitch? Or maybe both? (No Spoilers)

One thing we know for sure is that Lewis is bringing a new type of sexy redhead direct into our living rooms and we salute you for it sergeant.



  1. I can't help but feel like his slight smile in the first photo is ridiculously cheesy. Perhaps I am just critical of ginger men, but I have to disagree on this one.

    1. Can't win em all SA but there is a whole subsection of society (women + gay men) that go weak at the knees for Mr Lewis, personally I am more of a Prince Harry fan myself

  2. Hi Ginger BlogMan, I am one of them who go weak at the sight of ginger fittie like Damian and Harry. The first photo of Damian is hot, definitely NOT cheesy.

    1. Well I am glad you like it A. Keep reading for more Hot Gingers every week

  3. Great blog thanks for posting this.
