Thursday, 9 August 2012

My Mystery Undertaking

Okay so I kinda said I would do something in October, something that's not exactly easy and I will have to put a lot of work into to be able to complete.

Things is I'm not ready to tell everybody just yet as once it's out there then I'll have to stick to my guns and any chance off backing out is forfeit. I know I know, how lame of me.

Yesterday was my first day of prep and if I am being honest trying to complete undisclosed goal in October does seem completely out of reach at the moment.

I do hope I will be able to come clean and let y'all know soon. I guess for now I got to just put in the work.




  1. Marathon... have a baby... do an interview for completely in German ... make a short movie... wax your beard? ??

    1. All and none of the above. I tell when I am ready :-D

  2. well good luck to you in whatever this secret mission is

  3. I am thinking something creative, mosaics perhaps? Stained glass windows?

    What ever it is, I hope you give it a good shot
