Tuesday, 3 July 2012

These Hipsters are Barefoot Now?

When visiting a new major city it's always interesting to see what the Hipster look du jour is. Whilst wandering around the area of Mitte in Berlin where our fashion forward friends congregate, it was interesting to see what this summer's trend was.

Last time I visited East London in the freezing winter months I was perplexed to see the new look shoe-wise was loafers without any socks accompanied by rolled up jeans. If you didn't do this must have look then I assumed you dropped multiple rungs in the coolness ladder, for shame. All this said, I am a creature of comfort and the idea of my ankles getting frost bite in the name of fashion did not appeal. I mean bitch, it was minus 5 outside.

Yet this fashion statement was nothing compared to the mind boggling en vogue I happenstanced in Mitte. To be a la mode here the trend was your feet in the nip, nude, barefoot, nada, zip, bupkiss. Apparently shoes are too mainstream now. I had seen this once or twice before yes, but never had I seen so many all congregated in the same place, all completely barefoot. And I am sorry but how clean are the streets in Berlin? I can't imagine very! This is the right way to a venereal disease my androgynous friends. Seriously, what the fuck? How long does it take for your feet to get accustomed and callous enough for you to be able to pull off this look without looking ridiculously uncomfortable? Actually don't answer that because this is one trend I won't be following.

I'm sorry to rant but come on guys, wake up and smell the ridiculousness and feet are kinda gross.

End of.



  1. Barefoot Berlin Hipster sounds like an indie band.

    1. Totally, but they only play abandoned mosques whilst using instruments fashioned out of vintage furniture and scrap metal.

  2. Looking at the pic I thought it was going to be about looking Amish.

    I agree completely. When I was at the beach last week I looked down and the guy next to me was standing barefoot at the urinal!!!! He did have nice feet though.

    1. Nice feet but can it be guaranteed that he didn't wee on them, just saying. Ew

  3. Looking back at some of the fashion trends of my youth that I participated in, I have to wonder what I was thinking. These shoeless hipsters will undoubtedly do the same some day. I have to agree with Sean. Is the Amish look in?

    P.S. Is it just me or does that guy have Hobbit feet?

    1. Feet are huge but also what about the risk of cuts and tetanus? Oh dear

  4. That guy has some hella long feet!

    Maybe he couldn't find any shoes that fit ?

    Or perhaps he was having an opposite day and wore his shoes to bed.

    1. Crazy long Blog Bomb, it would be a sadder tale if this happenstanced cuz no shoes are made to his size, I doubt it do.

      Well yes maybe it was opposite day for a whole lot of hipsters in Berlin.

      Or maybe shoes have become more commercial

    2. Over it to be honest.


  5. I love barefoot walking. I'm a hipster.

    1. And I don't mean to rag on you kind continuously, I kinda am a little hipster too, but U do it to yourselves so times

  6. I know this is an older post, but I must point out that living barefoot is as old as the hills and practiced by many. It's healthier for you in many ways, perhaps you would like to research it. Here are a couple avenues to start; www.barefooters.org and www.barefootalliance.org. Cheers, and kick your shoes off for a bit!

  7. Gorgeous big feet! Hope the trend takes off and men become barefoot studs...

  8. people who think feet are 'kinda gross' usually have a secret foot fetish....feet are feet..where would we be without them??

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  10. This photo was taken in Halifax, Canada. Not Berlin.
