Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Go Home Weather, you're Drunk

Spring has unsprung! That's the second time I've been lulled into a false sense of security. Fool me once Switzerland, shame on you. Fool me twice and I get frostbite.

It would seem that this seems to be happening all over Europe at the moment so not so bad. Though I'm kinda done with winter. I long for swimming in the rivers and lake again. Oh well, all good things eh....


Friday, 22 March 2013

Voila la Spring

Spring seems to have arrived in Zurich. Take a look for yourself (though I have been duped before this month). I think this calls for me to get out today and enjoy this beautiful day.

After five more minutes of Internet....


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Hot Ginger of the Week: Jane Levy

This is another Hot Ginger I worried might be a little to young, I mean she does play a 16 year old on TV. Yet in true Hollywood style, the internet returns our darling redhead's actual age of 23. Yup she's a lot older than you thought, eh?

Best known for playing lead character Tessa Altman in the hilarious Suburgatory, Jane is the epitome of cuteness.

Not for long tho as she's about to crop up this year on the silver screen playing Mia in the remake of Evil Dead. Early screenings point to a terrifying movie indeed and fans of the original will know what I mean when I say it's Jane's character who is taken advantage of by a usually inanimate piece of nature. Ew.

Till the movie is released we can enjoy her in her weekly and more adorable role on TV.


Friday, 15 March 2013

Question of the Day

Guys I got a new job! In Social Media of all things. I think I have fallen in love tbh. So I want to ask you all this question. What is your favourite thing about Social Media? And sure while we are at it why not throw in your least favourite thing too?

New posts soon :-)


Thursday, 7 March 2013

I'm Moving Fashion Forward

Hey guys, so recently I moved to a new job and new company. I'm now working in the thrilling world of fashion retail and as such I've decided to start dressing the part. No more sweats and hoodies for me, now baby needs to look fabulous. So for my third day on the job I decided to break out an outfit that I thought showcased my ability to color-block (yes, GBM is down with the lingo). I decided to finish it all off with these beautiful black Clark brogues which I laced up with some turquoise laces, this seasons must have fashion trend for men, don't ya know (or at least that's what Husband tells me). 

Thing is though, while my brogues are over two years old, because of laziness and maybe due my prior mindset of avoiding fashion if it makes me uncomfortable, I never actually managed to break them in. So when the day ended my poor little ankles look like this (Warning: If you don't like feet or loose skin avert your eyes!).

No one told me that being fabulous would hurt so much :-(


Saturday, 2 March 2013

Lazy Day...

Having one of those days where my laptop has fused to my belly and I cannot seem to get my shit together.

Fear not blogfriends as I have a good new post in me about a recent gig and a new Hot Ginger of the Week.

Soon soon